When looking for a local Haunted House or Escape Room while traveling, I found lots of websites attempting to keep up with current listings. Haunted Houses and Escape Rooms usually have seasonal or evening operational hours. Some are open just for a few months, others are open year round. Most of these entities don’t keep their websites up to date after the season concludes. It is good to have a few listing websites bookmarked to quickly find a regional business. While traveling to different cities for business, I find visiting the occasional haunt or escape room with co-workers builds relationships with team members. Many co-workers have never experienced either type thrill.

One listing site that stands out is the The Scare Factor, a review website for Haunted Houses and Escape Rooms. They seem to keep up to date information and have a wide range of listings to help you find the most popular and also the most obscure attractions.It has a reputable website reputation, as these types of sites go. It is worth bookmarking this site for future reference.