For those who have not experienced an escape room, here are some example puzzles that you may have seen or encountered that might resonate with you.

Remember the “Water Jug Riddle /Puzzle” from the movie Die Hard 3? It went something like

You've got to defuse a bomb by placing exactly 4 gallons of water on a sensor. The problem is, you only have a 5 gallon jug and a 3 gallon jug on hand. How do you accomplish this? The answer involves getting the right amount of water in the 5-gallon jug. Does this ring a bell? This is exactly the type of puzzle that you might need to solve in an escape room.

Die Hard Water Jug

          Figure 1-1 (Die Hard 3 water jug puzzle)

How about the Indiana Jones movies, there were lots of puzzles in the Raiders of the Lost Ark. Remember the staff scene, where the length of the staff with the head piece revealed the Well of Souls once the sun shined through it while in the map room?

Staff of Ra

          Figure 1-2 (Staff of Ra Puzzle)

The National Treasure movies were all about secrets and clues to solve puzzles left by the Knights Templar. These types of clues that lead to solving puzzles that lead to more clues and more puzzles. This is the kind of excitement and success that awaits you in a good escape room.

National Treasure Puzzle

          Figure 1-3 (National Treasure Puzzle)

The Da Vinci Code is another good movie to draw from. Century old conspiracy theories, spies, secret orders, all set up a good escape room correlation.

What’s keep you from the fun? Join us for an escape room experience!